Dans les coulisses de Merveilleuses Bestioles

Behind the scenes of Wonderful Bugs

Coucou Suzette is accustomed to taking its inspiration from Mother Nature and animals: there are countless collections featuring dogs, cats, sea creatures and birds.

Now it's time to turn our attention to the smallest of them all, the Marvelous Bugs! Colorful butterflies, magical dragonflies, iridescent beetles, lucky ladybugs: many cute insects transforming everyday life into a fantastic little world.

To showcase these cherished bugs, Juliette (founder of Coucou Suzette) wanted to make her wildest dream come true and do a photo shoot on the theme of her all-time favorite French film: Jacques Demy's Peau d'Âne (1970).

The teams headed off to a charming country house to set up their enchanted decor.

A panoply of dazzling gowns, ivy galore, sparkling accessories... So many details that transformed our shoot into a true fairytale.

Playing the role of fairy is the wonderful Françoise, Juliette's auntie, already part of the "Holly Party" collection shoot. She's the perfect modern-day Delphine Seyrig, ready to cast sweet spells with her rhinestone-covered magic wand.

In the role of Peau d'Âne, we invited illustrator and influencer Marine Dove (@marine.dove) to join us: an invitation accepted in a flash, as she's also a huge fan of the film!

Last but not least, our distraught prince is played by actor-comedian and author Cédric Salaun (@cedricsalaun), whose exceptional acting proposals delighted the teams.

This lovely trio recreated our favorite scenes from the film, Coucou Suzette style: the love cake song, the Lilac Fairy's advice, and the iconic shot of the romantic song hummed on the piano... Amour, amouuur, je t'aime taaant!

Oh, and did you notice the blue character? It's none other than Camille, Coucou Suzette's marketing manager! Between two digital strategies, she agreed to give of herself for this exceptional shoot. We'll let you imagine the make-up session (and make-up removal...).

Check out all the photos on the Our Shootings page to make your inner child quiver with joy.

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