Team Building à Colmar

Team Building in Colmar

Coucou Suzette started with one person, then two, then three… And now eight?! Say no more, it is time for team building!


To celebrate the 2023 holidays with a beautiful growing team, the girls went to Colmar (East of France) to get into the Christmas mood.

The train leaves early in the morning for a working journey, between photoshoot debriefing, customer service on a folding table and annual maintenance in the bar wagon.

Once arrived, the team is amazed by the half-timbered homes giving the town a doll-like village vibe, with the fronts covered in Christmas decorations. On the paved squares, you find cute little booths shaped as small wooden houses offering all kinds of drinks, food and tacky decorations.

But it is already lunch time and what’s better before a winter walk than to build up strength with potatoes, cheese and spiced bubbly drinks - while wearing our best ugly sweaters of course, we wouldn’t miss a chance to have a themed day.

Once the stomachs are full, it’s time for fun, pictures and shopping! Each shop is in full Christmas mode and the team couldn’t be more thrilled.

At night, the city is bathed in colorful lights, giving the beautiful streets a magic aura. A cup of hot wine, a wheel ride and a cheesy flamenkuch later, the team finds shelter in a karaoke where they sing from the top of their lungs their favorite songs.

The next day, to recover from this crazy night out, nothing better than brunch (what do you mean we never stop eating?). Pancakes, avocado toast, scones, hot chocolate… The whole menu is on the table and every dish is incredibly tasty!

Last but not least, the girls visit the Little Venise and the indoor market to properly end the two days of fun and fat.

Where do we go next?

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